
stomach to the floor



06-21-2013, 01:49 AM (This post was last modified: 06-21-2013, 07:23 AM by Chrysanthe.)
She wished her sibling nothing but the best of luck. Sure, there were feelings that were a bit mixed, with her disappearing for so long. Yet it seemed that whenever Syrinx reared his head she followed suit. They were a pair, and a part of her was jealous that her sibling had forged a relationship with Eos before he had she or Epiphron. Yet another part of her was relieved. That no matter what they had each other - they hadn't abandoned their family, they were simply finding their own way in life. It seemed that no matter what, Eos's way wouldn't include Valhalla. But would her sister accept her? It wasn't a matter they had ever discussed, they had never truly been close. At two years old, fully grown, matured, the only thing that they had in common was the blood in their veins. How much did that mean to the woman that was challenging for Valhalla's sister pack?

Collision was related to the alpha as far as she knew - how would he feel about one of his other siblings, who weren't blood related to him and hadn't been around, trying to take his brother's ice laden crown? There was no telling, there was no way to know how those involved would react. Yet Chrysanthe knew exactly where she stood - the opinions of others were unbeknownst to her, but inside of herself she knew where her loyalties lay. Glancing at her sister, her blue gaze flitted over her, noting that she had no substantial injuries. The other had grown quite a bit, she was once a scrawny thing but now she might have been larger than the alpha herself. And then her eyes settled on Eos's own, and she nodded toward her. "Don't lose." Her lips quirked into a small grin. She would support Eos, whether she wanted her support or not. Her sister had never asked for help, had left Valhalla and never looked back.

But she was still her sister, and damn it she couldn't turn her nose up at a sibling's ambition. She wasn't even upset at Syrinx for challenging her, it was the way that he presented the challenge and his sudden rule to Valhalla that irked her so.

With her sibling's victory in mind, she stood toward the side of the battlefield, waiting for Glaciem's alpha to show. He would have quite the battle ahead of him - win or lose.