
Lonely is the Night



10 Years
11-20-2016, 08:24 AM (This post was last modified: 11-20-2016, 08:24 AM by Ara.)
Ara hadn't intended to wander so far from home. In a way, she figured she'd earned it - she'd spoken to more wolves in Fiori the last month than she ever had, and she'd been sharing her knowledge readily. She would never decline anyone asking for help, at least in Fiori, and likely not a stranger either. Surely she had earned a few days to herself - or, at least that was what she told herself. She hadn't spent much time in this continent, hardly at all actually - she'd crossed the glimmering sandbridge once before but she hadn't gone far enough into the lands to find anything of interest. She took this journey more slowly, finding a place to rest once she crossed it.

Once the morning sun rose, she was off again. The air was warmer here, many plants still clinging to life despite the change in seasons. As the day went on, she'd crossed a flat plain and a winding river before she found the coastline. The ocean usually held interesting plant life.. she even knew some varieties could grow beneath the water but obtaining those was a trickier thing. Something she wouldn't even attempt, not in this season, with how frigid the waters must be. Lifting her nose to the wind, she sniffed at the air as she directed herself toward the shoreline.

Only when she drew closer did she notice a male nearby, who'd completely bypassed her radar. The ocean air brought a salty tang to the air, overwhelming any scents of wolves who might inhabit this place. Even from a distance she could tell he was unusual looking - though not in a bad way - and he picqued her curiosity somewhat. Slowly she would approach, her posture far from dominant as she gauged whether he was willing to be approached or not. She didn't know much about this place.. so why not try to learn?