
I Walk Alone...



06-21-2013, 01:51 AM

Winter was the worst time of the year for healers. You had to store your herbs carefully for them to last longer than usual, and if you ran out of something then you had to wait for the snow to clear or go digging around and hope to find something. Most of the time though, that didn't work.

That's what Loccian was doing, searching for herbs. She had been low on a few because of her absence, something that annoyed her every time. Why did she have to be so selfish, put the pack in danger like that?

Stop it, I did nothing wrong. She hissed, silencing the voices in her head. The woman had finally come to a stop, in lands she was not quite familiar with. She had seen this land before, but she was only passing through, so she didn't really look around. Something caught her attention though, the fresh scent of Pontifex.

What is he doing out here by himself? She wondered, head tilting to the side in curiosity as paws carried her body in the direction his scent went. And off she went, trotting through the frozen fields, snow crunching beneath her small paws, tail swaying behind her.

Within minutes she finally reached where her brother's scent was the strongest, but on the way here she found another wolf's scent mixed into it, a male. Worry washed over the small shewolf, causing her to break out into a run, coming upon the scene before her. Two wolves were on the ground wrestling in the snow, snarling and barking errupting from the two along with name calling.

What do you think your doing?! She barked, her tone holding anger and fear on a whole new level that was unlike herself. The Contessa was usually gentle and her voice soft, but now her fur bristling ad her tone held hostility. Lips pulled back to reveal her fangs, for the first time in aggression.

The small wolf jumped forward, jaws parting a second before lunging forward and snapping them shut on the male. She was aiming to get his flesh between her fangs, to get him off and away from her brother.
