
Terminal Wanderlust



4 Years
11-20-2016, 11:48 AM

I watched the male as his head swung, eyes widening for a minute as he seemed to scan the lake and its shores; head canted left as I watched him ith inquisitive eyes, emerald gaze briefly darting out to the landscape to follow his searching gaze.
Crisp. It was dry and cold and...late autumn. Beautiful, really, even if the cold didnt really agree well with my joints.
While I was focusing on horizon, Oleander had turned back to me, inquiring on my knowledge of herbs. My ears pricked up, an excitement bubbling up within me. Tail wagged and I chirped: "Herbs? I know a thing or two!" Perhaps I was a little too excited.
Back in my last home, I had truly mastered the art of healing. Helping people was something I took great joy in; it was the one skill that I could truly cultivate and develop. But, I had to rein myself in. I was skilled for my old home, but I highly doubted I would compare to anyone in this region! These lands were far more vast, and Oleander seemed leaps and bounds smarter than me.
My brow furrowed; "Ginseng?" I questioned,"I've heard of it...but I've never actually seen it. It wasn't indigenous to my old home." I explained, pacing forward a few tentative steps, eyes flickering to Cedar briefly.
"But, I could help you two look for it if you would like?" I offered; what a better way to get to know these lands than to find some herbs!
Ginseng was a root that could help strengthen your immune system, as well as an energy boost and a medicinal way to lower stress.
"Its probably not a bad idea to keep some on hand with winter setting in." I mused idly, waiting for Oleander to lead the way.

[Image: Us6iFFu.png]