
I was sure I saw you

Marina I


7 Years
11-20-2016, 09:43 PM

Two boys… the woman liked the thought of that. Rainbow marked children or not, she was sure they would be a sight to behold. But when Liar said he’d love to learn of her gods Marina couldn’t help but smile. She took another bite of the deer, mulling over whereto begin. Who else other than the parents of the gods themselves?”

“Celeste and Nox are the parent gods of my religion. It is a religion that bears no name, but has strong ties to the land of Lyenne. There Celeste is the first goddess, the Goddess of peace, balance, life, and all things good. Her mate, Nox, is said to be the God of destruction, resurrection, chaos, and malevolence. Darker thoughts are said to be initially tied to him… and deeper, darker things such as insanity are part of his will.” The female paused.

“They bore four children in sets of two. The first, the twins of life, are Aoi and Chrysos. They work together to ensure the creation of all living things. Then, their siblings are the twins of death… Charis, who rules over good souls, and Erebos who is the keeper of the bad ones. Abeni and Riyeth follow and serve Charis and Erebos respectfully. They keep the dead where they are supposed to be.” Marina took another small pause.

“The twins Fates and Abyss control time and fate.. such as when a wolf dies, how they die and all that type of stuff. Reflected is the keeper of memories and has no set form, though many believe her to be a mix of white and black color with silver eyes.” Marina chuckled. “…and then there is Time Rift… changer of fate. When a wolf chooses to walk down a different path it is said because she has made an appearance in their life.”

"Talk" "You" Think
Table by:: Fox

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