
I Walk Alone...

Pontifex I


06-21-2013, 02:34 AM

You should be one to talk you moronic mutt! came his ice-laden reply before his opponent managed to barrel into him. Despite having braced himself for the impact, the other's momentum had been too great for the esquire and so the duo had tumbled into the snow, rolling head over heels with each other, all the while snapping and snarling as they fought to grab some kind of grasp on the other. So much for not ending up on the ground. To Pontifex's irritation, somehow he'd ended up beneath his opponent, the frozen snow digging into his flesh, chilling his spine but allowing a numbing to overtake his nerves, numbing the pain that was throbbing from his fresh cuts. Right then, it wasn't about winning. It was about getting this idiot off of him and tearing into him in order to send him to wherever the hell he came from with his tail between his legs. He would regret coming after the seracian esquire!

Just as the two were going to get a hold on the other, a familiar voice breaking through their squabble. He recognized that voice. Loccian. What the hell was she doing out here, so far from their home? And then there was a yelp from his attacker the tri-colored brute leaped off the grey and black knight, eyeing his sister, snarling at her, demanding to know who she was. Pontifex returned to his feet in the blink of an eye, his larger mass coming to stand in front of his sister, lips curling back over ivory daggers, a snarl erupting from his agape jaws. Stay. Away. From. My. Sister. His voice was a rumbling timber, audits pinned back as he warned the other man to keep his distance. If he tried touching Loccian he would have no problem ripping his throat out.

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