
The Sound Of Starting Over [Meeting]



6 Years

11-21-2016, 10:26 AM (This post was last modified: 11-21-2016, 10:26 AM by Steel.)

Steel was, in many ways, a changed man. Esarosa knew that he'd always been withdrawn and serious, but did she truly know how he had been before he'd met her? Even the first day they'd met, she'd changed him. She'd always been so.. optimistic, so good, and so good to him that he'd never needed to retreat back into his shell. He wore a grin nearly the whole time he stood there, before Avalon began speaking, and he snuck a glance at Esarosa before looking to their leader.

He listened patiently, and silently, to her words though much of what she said meant little to him. He felt Jade fidgeting at his side, and gently pressed his nose to her cheek to soothe her. Listening to this wasn't even that fun for him - he had no doubt it seemed more arduous to young pups. He listened as she gave introductions to their children, which elicited a faint smile from him, among other news. Someone left, including Valentina. Someone named Vereux had died. He didn't know many of the wolves here well, and most he didn't know even by name.

He was more surprised when he was singled out, and offered the position of Ranger alongside. It was true, he worked well with her - better than he did with most. He'd always wanted to learn to fight, as his father had, but it seemed life had chosen something different for him. Steel wouldn't complain. "Thank you," he'd say quietly. He wondered briefly what his children might find themselves interested in. It was too soon to tell - they were still figuring out the world and how it all worked with them in it. There was no rush, in that regard, to figure out what they wanted for their future.

The last thing she had to say was more surprising. The pack was changing hands, to someone named Dragon. He couldn't help but feel his hackles bristle instinctively, though he calmed quite quickly as she continued speaking. Change hadn't been something he'd ever liked, especially not with young children now. When the man named Dragon spoke up, Steel watched him carefully. He seemed genuine, and gave a good reason for the move. Winter here would be harsh, especially given how many hungry young mouths they had to feed. The thought of having to travel with their children so young was mildly disconcerting, though, and he glanced at Esarosa to see what she thought of it all. Everyone else seemed pleased, so he figured there was no cause for concern, though he felt unsettled still by the knowledge of so much change happening in such a short time.