
Safe Return



7 Years
Extra large

11-21-2016, 12:05 PM
Lark was beyond relieved at his father's arrival, as prompt as ever. He heard Bass approach before he saw him, and slowly tipped his head to the side to find him padding toward him. Grateful his father said nothing to him - he didn't know what to think, let alone what to even say right now - though he didn't retract from his father's reassuring touch.

Instead, he sat as Bass approached them. He embraced Vali, and Lark found himself reminded of how he had once greeted his mother. Curious, he watched the embrace, tender for a moment before he realized that he needed to get to business first. Bass had let Wren come and go, many times, before finally saying she wasn't welcome back. Would he do the same for Vali and Lillie? And why, oh god why was he reminded of his mother when he watched Bass greet her? He shook his head, pushing these thoughts from his mind as his father demanded a reason.

As Lillie spoke up, he found himself lifting to all fours and straying closer to get a better look at her as she spoke. He was only half-surprised at the explanation. He caught the pain, and the uncertainty in her voice as she spoke too. She'd been hunting, and she'd been hurt and recovering. His gaze shifted to Vali as she spoke, wondering what she could add - and wondering how he felt about all of this. On one hand, she hadn't meant to stay away. On the other, why would she even be foolish enough to try taking down a baby moose on her own? It'd been foolish, but obviously not meant maliciously. He felt his heart beating steadily in his chest as he eyed Lillianna again, glad at least to see some regret in her eyes too, but he didn't quite know how to feel still.