
talk to me honey, if you think it's funny


06-21-2013, 02:44 AM

Elphaba told her tale with flourish and when she was done she fell quite still and silent. Guilt gnawed away at her heart like some starved rat, that part, had never gone away, but she knew... she knew if Glinda thought she was still alive she would come looking... and she would bring the whole God damned pack with her and Elphaba... for all of her strengths, couldn't handle that, she knew she couldn't handle that. She had attempted to strip away all the evils done to her, it wouldn't do anybody any good if they returned. She didn't expect Gerhardt to say anything, she didn't expect him to do much in answer. He had offered her his story and she had returned the courtesy with her own and... in her own way, gave him her advice. Was she wise? Not really, just knew what it took to see the best outcome, no matter what pain it might cause her later. She could relate to his suffering in a completely different way.

He would agree with her and she would say no more, she wouldn't insult him a second time, she had, in her own way, offered him comfort in the only way she knew how, being blunt and to the point. Golden orbs flooded with some odd emotion as he agreed with her words. They weren't candy-coated but they were truthful and perhaps, that was merely what he needed. "I believe... perhaps, attempting to anger the bull once more might have been a wiser option than the waters, you can't outrun pneumonia I'm afraid." her voice was a low rumble, attempting to bring a soft bit of humor to the rather somber atmosphere. "You are welcome to sleep off the cold here, I can treat you to that but if you fall ill, God help you if it's my nursing abilities you will have to rely on."
