
not just anybody



7 Years
11-21-2016, 04:51 PM

When he said that no one was hurt, the small woman let out a huge breath that she had been holding out of fear. But he went on to say that it was his father. Her ears remained tightly against her skull, and Amalia remained silent as she allowed the boy to speak. She had heard the howl for the pack, but she wasn't attached to either party. She didn't want to show up and show her support for either, even if she knew Liar and was related to him in some way and form. The dame did not support the fight for a pack, no one should be that desperate to take someone's home for their own. A small whine left her lips as she listened to his troubled words, he was obviously torn up about it. "Don't ever feel bad for coming to me Vadim. I will always be here when you need me, okay?" She got quiet for a moment though, thinking about all the information that he had given her. Sighing, she leaned down and looked at her herbs bundle. "I will come with you to heal your father, it's my duty as a healer. I would never turn someone away for healing, I doubt they will come after me for not letting a wolf die. As for what to do..." she looked all the way up at his fiery eyes, a tender smile on her lips. "My son once challenged Leo for Fiori, before he disappeared... He never answered me as to why he was trying to take over as alpha, we would have supported him if he wanted to create his own home. While I would have a hard time leaving Leo, I think that Athena would have wanted to follow him. But at the challenge I... I didn't know how to feel. I was so broken, so confused as to why our son would want to do that to us. But he wasn't thinking of us, I don't think. It's hard to say because he just up and left after this. But for Liar, I think he only wants the best for you, to prove that he is a strong force to challenge with. I am sure he believes that within his mind he is right. We can't pretend for a moment to know what wolves do and why they do it, but we can only hope that it's in the depths of their hearts that they believe that they are doing good. Maybe he is unable to see passed his own intentions to see that he is hurting families in the action he is taking," she rambled on, standing as she paced slightly in front Vadim. She kept glancing up at the fluffy boy, her deep blue eyes searching him. "You need to make your feelings known to him, after this is all over. Whether he wins or loses, I'm sure you don't want to create a distance between you. Hiding your thoughts will create a rivet between the two of you, it doesn't matter if it is intentional or not. Try to hear his side of things, that's all I can suggest. I wish that I could have heard Bacchus' reasoning, but he was a darker wolf when he came home... he slipped between my paws. Don't let your family do the same," Ama sniffled slightly, trying to withhold the mist that gathered in her eyes. Casting her head down, she stood where she was as her body quivered slightly. This world was a darker place than she cared to admit, but she still grasped firmly to her belief that there was good in everyone, reason behind everything they did as a species.