
Let the temptation begin!


11-21-2016, 07:16 PM
Ooc:: Bluhhh this is such a crappy app. Here goes anyway though! Also to note the design is mine. Was going to adopt it out for a plot but that fell through so I'll be using it.

Applying For: Zephyr’s Friend / Mentor

Name: Félicien Desrosiers

Age: 7 Years {Born in Summer}

Gender: Male

Appearance: {See Design}

-Heavy Build
-42” {Height previously purchased. Just keep bouncing whom it’ll be used on.}
-Scarred:: Particular scaring upon his sides, right shoulder, left cheek, and a tattered right ear. May have other scars or develop new ones once I make a ref with his scars if I get him.


Félicien is a man hardened by his past; he does not show emotions very often and particularly not the ones he doesn’t want others to see. It takes a special creature to see Féli’s true nature, the nature of the beast behind that stony exterior. He is not a bad wolf, not really, but he does possess a belief in toughness and despises cowards. He finds those who work hard and at least try to keep pushing on are those worth helping. That said he does have a soft spot for the weak and broken, and even younger wolves as well. His own will is unshakable, pressing him onward even when his mind and heart want to give up.

Féli is nearly fearless; he doesn’t worry about death nor does he particularly worry about living a certain way. He just makes sure that he and his companions, for however long they are around, are alive and well. He does things the hard way, as he was taught since he was young. Deep down Félicien is still a soldier, a hired fang who will work for payment. But that is not to say he takes on any job. The jobs he takes must suit his own morals and beliefs. He does however work with a cold efficiency when he takes a job. He separates himself from personal feelings and does what he must, no matter what the cost.

Félicien does not curse, though when angered he may suddenly switch to speaking French in a slightly heated tone. He is not the kind to back down from a challenge, nor is he the sort who will just willy nilly give out his loyalty. His friendship and trust is something far harder to earn and the young man is not the most sociable, making this even harder. It can definitely be said that Féli is more likely to make an enemy then a friend thanks to his somewhat sarcastic attitude, blunt words, and sharp tongue. He is not the sort to just mess around either. He either makes a friend or an enemy and it stays that way. He can be one to hold a grudge as well, particularly to those he deems as cowards, and is prone to attack them on sight.

Féli does not currently believe very strongly in packs and would rather keep a small circle of friends around him to try and survive than join one. He is set in his ways and not very likely to change very much, being stubborn as he is.


As a child Féli was born and raised to be a fighter in a military style pack. It is here that the dislike of pack systems begins, for his father, one of the higher ups within the pack, was hard on the young male. But it wasn’t just Félicien that they were hard on. All of the young men and women of the pack were trained hard, to learn to fight and hunt with efficiency. Félicien came to view their actions as almost mindless, for the wolves worked solely for whatever their pack leader and higher up wanted. Around three and a half years of age, finally disgusted by their actions, Félicien left the pack to become a hired fang. If he was going to do unsavory tasks for others he wanted to be able to choose the jobs for himself that he would perform.

While Félicien has a hardened personality he has not been nothing but a merciless killer. He refuses to take on jobs that involve harming children, regardless of the reasoning behind them. When he ran into Zephyr Félicien developed a soft spot for the broken and hurting man. He longed to help him and grew to enjoy the company that Zephyr gave him. What Féli couldn’t believe, however, was the story of Zeph’s lost. He grew angry, convinced that Caelum was weak and had fled rather than stay and try to fight to protect the pack. Why else would she have run? Though he is not one to show emotions Zephyr got to see that rare moment where his anger shown through. Cowardice, especially of that leading to the death of pups, makes his very blood boil.

He trained Zephyr, encouraging him to continue on and convinced his own reasons behind Caelum’s fleeing was the truth. For a while he stuck with Zephyr, but eventually the two parted ways. Félicien vowed to catch up to his friend once more, however, with a bit of a mischievous smile on his face as he made his promise. Zephyr in that period of time because the wolf that Félicien found easiest to talk to and reveal his emotions to.

After parting ways with Zeph the dark, scarred brute began a journey of his own. He met two different women, having a one night stand with each. They were loners… and he didn’t stay with them. He doesn’t know if their nights produced children or not, and though he does have a soft spot for young prefers it this way. Félicien did not want to be held down, nor did he want to be the sort of father his own had been. He thought it better that if there were children they were raised outside of his influence, by their mothers {and whomever they joined} alone. On top of that, well, Félicien had his own agenda.

Now Féli has made his way to Boreas, searching for Zephyr once more. He longs to see his friend and catch up with him. Though Félicien wouldn’t openly admit it he longs for Zeph’s company. He feels alone without him… and without the urge to join a pack he wants to keep his one true friend close.

Future plans:
-Meet up with Zephyr! He misses him and would probably want to help him get to the bottom of whatever happened with Caelum. Perhaps he’d even help Zephyr look for Asha?

RP sample:

Félicien narrowed his eyes as he listened to the story that Zephyr told him. Such loss… such pain… how could the one he loved the most turn on him like that? To run away when their little ones needed her most? The thought made Féli sick, and the man showed more emotion for the first time since meeting Zeph. “She’s nothing but a coward.” Félicien snapped. The thought of those little bodies laying still sickened him. Even if she had not been the one to take their lives she should have tried to fight. Tried to save them.

“She must have run off to avoid getting maimed or killed herself. Even if a battle seems hopeless just to turn tail is inexcusable!” There was a slight tone of agitation to the French man’s voice. “Listen to me, Zeph… she’s no good. No mother would  run off and leave her babies all alone like that. It’s wrong no matter how you look at it.” He took a breath, steadying himself. His temper had flared for a moment, but Félicien was reigning it back in. Keeping up that more stony face he’d come to bear.

“You can’t trust her. If you see her again…” Félicien’s silver eyes flashed. “I’d give her a piece of my mind if I were you.”

Why you want the character: I like tough older characters, particularly those with a story. The story itself is interesting and I’d really love to give this boy some love!

Design refs if you want to use/make your own:

Other details or ideas:

-Speaks French and English
-May attack Caelum if he meets her ??