
the mystic



4 Years
Extra large
11-21-2016, 09:20 PM

The island had looked so inviting, and Ricky quite honestly loved to swim even though she wasn't necessarily the fastest in the water. The black sands of obsidian beach had inspired her to check out the many wonders of the coast and the islands were a part of that. She found herself floating along across the ocean at low-tide as she made her way to Love Island.

When she arrived, she took a moment to try and shake the frigid waters from the denseness of her coat and afterward she stood stunned in awe as she looked over the wonderful split in the sands. The fresh and saltwater fighting for claim over the island was a wonder in itself and she thoroughly enjoyed the image it offered. After her moment of wonder, she continued on through the island and kept her head low and her nose to the sand as she searched for scent stories to tell her more about the place.

To her left, she couldn't help but notice interesting tracks in the sand. She knew the footprints to be those of a webbed-footed bird.. probably a pelican judging from the size. What she found interesting was the long tracks to the right of it those, as if the thing had been dragging it's wing. As she followed, she was quite certain that the bird was injured though she wondered how far it had gotten and where it was hiding now. Would she seek it out? Well, when opportunity knocks.. who really would choose to ignore it? Still, she was hesitant of that impressive beak so for the moment she stood there deep in thought. Perhaps, if she had another set of jaws to help her distract the large bird and get close..
R for Ricky