
capsized by the weight of it all {AW - herb collecting thread}



2 Years
11-22-2016, 12:09 PM
Faelyn thought she'd made a good choice as well, but it was always good to get her idea confirmed. She loved this place, but it was good to see that others did as well. Now she was going to learn from this woman, and gave her all of her attention out of respect and a desire to learn.

Dendelion, right. Faelyn could see how that could be useful. Nausea was a common complaint of female wolves who were expecting and so many illnesses caused it as well. She made a note to gather some of it whenever she saw it, as it was likely going to be pretty useful.

She made note of all the flowers that were mentioned, even if she didn't necessarily know what they were for. She could figure that out on her own if need be, but it was harder to figure out what was actually good and useful instead of harmful. It occurred to her that she'd probably need to take some of that root herself from time to time given her social anxiety, but she refrained from saying so aloud.

Faelyn had thought that the point of gathering them was to allow them to dry, but it seemed as though that wasn't necessarily the case. Well, if you wanted a constant supply of them then of course you'd want to keep them alive so they'd continue to grow and spread she realized.

"Okay, that makes sense," she said softly, approaching one of the plants and carefully pulling it up. Some of the roots didn't come with it, but the majority did, and she looked down at it proudly once she'd set it at her paws to get a good look at it.