
give me forever for a while[PACK CHALLENGE]



6 Years
11-23-2016, 01:41 AM

Liar would refuse to back down, he would use his speed and this man would know the kind of pain he could cause. His eyes still narrowed, his ears pinned to the back of his skull his hackles raised as his hair was on end. Ready to move at a moments notice no matter what. His three limbs spread and toes spread into the terrain with his scruff pulled forward. As soon as Regulus started to move in his shuffle so had Liar. His left forepaw missing it’s mark due to the changing positions it slammed to the floor and Liar immediately aimed his right set of limbs to make a bounding jump to his own right. Attempting to place them face to face with Reg’s right shoulder more towards his chest. His head tucked slightly to protect his throat as his tail followed in suit for balance. Stomach muscles tightening as he spread his paws and claws into the dirt to keep himself grounded.

Being so close made it hard to cause any harsh damage when Regulus bounded forward. His chest simply colliding with Liar’s own only sprouted mild bruising, however unable to dodge his bite it did miss its original mark. Reg’s jaws hit in a sideways motion towards his left shoulder just beyond the back of it. The left side of Reg’s face burying in fur as he caused a moderate wound but with major irritation from the pull of hair and skin away from the area itself. The man’s right shoulder would simply push into the left side of Liar’s chest just before it started to become liar’s left shoulder. Liar dropped his weight on his hind legs slightly, skidding back a few inches as he tried to keep himself from falling over. As Liar’s narrowed eyes and skin bunched around his face for protection he watched as Reg’s left limb followed up to pull him.

Liar would allow such a thing, changing tactics slightly as the man attempted to quickly rear up on his hind legs. Tail raising to balance himself as his front limbs sought to hug around Reg’s shoulders. Reg’s left forelimb would raise to rest on Liar’s left shoulder. Liar tightened his abdomen to protect it from any scratching. His back limbs spread and muscles tightening for balance as he raised his tail. Opening his jaws his head tilted to the right, aiming towards the middle of Reg’s scuff. Liar’s hope was to get a hold on it, or at least make him bleed as much as possible as he attempted to put as much force as possible into it. With that his shoulders rolled inward, front limbs aiming to grip Regulus harshly. Attempting to lock his position onto the Reg’s shoulders with Liar’s head facing Reg’s left side of his face. It may not have been as much as the larger man attempted, but Liar refused to lose ground.

Liar vs Reg for Celestial


This character can be very unpredictable and cruel, you have been warned.