
stomach to the floor



Extra small
06-21-2013, 06:58 AM (This post was last modified: 06-21-2013, 07:03 AM by Syrinx.)

Did they care when they died? When they choked; when they cried.- He was silent, the man twisting through the woods. He had known that she would seek her own kingdom come, though, it was unbeknownst to him which that would be. It was quite a curious thing to stand and watch her challenge for a pack that was in alliance with Valhalla. Or...was it smart? Surely, Chrysanthe would never take up arms against her own sister in war, so perhaps, Eos was merely doing what was best. From her, he expected a militant rule, something that though not bad, would strengthen many.

Curiouser and curiouser grew the situation. Chrysanthe had actually come to witness such an event. He would offer her a smile before settling by her right side. His head turned towards her and he offered her words of a sibling, "If she wins, know my loyalty is to you, but my physical self will go to Glaciem, to lead beside her," Amusement dared to grow on his features and he chuckled lowly, "Does it amuse you how powerful our family is? How you rule Valhalla, how Pip will rule Seracia, and how we also have the potential of ruling here?" It was certainly a curious type of amusing, but it would have to do. The word was most fitting, "I know you don't approve of the way Eos and I seek power, but, you know we've never mistreated anyone. My challenge against your claim was unnecessary and in the wrong. Apologies," There was still something stoic in the man, but, that part of him wouldn't fade with anyone's influence.