
--sign in blood--



06-21-2013, 08:40 AM
Epiphron's voice brougt with it a wave of relief. Not only was she not handling this alone any longer, her sister had trained with Erani long enough in her younger years to have a better know how of what to do if Jupiter's body decided to go into labor. She smiled at her gentle greeting, her blue eyes flicking over her and noting how happy she was. That should mean their troubles were over for now, and that Seracia was now in the loop and accepting of the changes made at the last meeting. She still smelled a bit of Seracia, it was something that Chrysanthe realized that she would need to get used to in the near future.

Nosing the other female back, she then paused, resisting the urge to clear her throat and point her sibling toward their company. The only thing that stopped her was the pleasure of seeing her sibling so outlandishly happy - it was not something that her normally stoic personality allowed of her. She noticed Jupiter herself all the same, and introduced herself in a way that Chrysanthe was nearly jealous of. The switch from family to duty within the other female's mind came so naturally, such regality did not come to the clay faced girl with ease. It would take practice from her end.

Jupiter introduced herself as well, and Chrysanthe's eyes flashed with worry as the other female took a moment to breath. Yet she managed to answer all of the alpha's inquiries regardless. Her pack was tied to Seracia, perhaps not as deeply as Seracia to Valhalla, but she would not turn her nose up at an alliance. Her laughter was short lived, but the feeling sincere - Chrysanthe decided that she liked this woman. She was a fighter, and held an air about her that the Valhallan could appreciate even while she was in pain. "Thank you. Your land sounds lovely as well." She wasn't sure what else to say. What had Jupiter come here for? Did she want a tour of the place? To form a pact?

The alpha herself was pretty sure she wanted to be on good terms with this female. But would they trade something besides information to form a pact? "A friend of Seracia is a potential ally to us. I do hope that part of the discussion you had in mind pertains to that. You strike me as good people, Jupiter." Strong, and if her judgement was correct, a good leader. It might seem a decision made on a whim, but Chrysanthe was the type to expand on her eyes and ears with good intentions for both parties in mind. She had connections in Tortuga despite their shaky background, an alliance with Seracia that would hold true for what she hoped would be generations, and a good natured truce with Glaciem that would be upheld so long as they stayed true to their benevolent nature. Should Ludicael be added to that list, there was little in Alacritia that would be truly threatening to Valhalla as a whole.