
Crush me

Rivaxorus II


5 Years
Extra large

11-24-2016, 05:06 PM

The man tried to remember how to fight. Seems he had let himself get slightly rusty, but that was the whole reason he was here. What was he supposed to do if he couldn’t defend his family. He bent his joints at the knee, tail leveling with his spine. Riv pinned his ears to the back of his skull and narrowed his eyes. Tucking his chin closer to his chest his hackles raised and his toes spread across the terrain. He scrunched up his scruff and rolled his shoulders inwards making himself more compact. As his face curled into a snarl the skin bunched around his eyes and would make it hard to grab hold of his face as well as making his teeth primed and ready.

Rivaxorus was a little surprised at the smaller girls jump towards his left side. Her teeth hit the mark leaving moderate scratches on his left shoulder only bleeding out slightly. His body shifted slightly to the right though, her paws sitting on his left shoulder avoiding his neck with his tucked in chin as well. He felt sort of bad now but as such was life he opened his own jaws and tilted his head to his own right. Aiming to place a bite at her left ribcage to cause enough pain for her to get off. As he did this he jutted out his left shoulder aiming to shove it into her neck to try and choke her a bit and make her fall over. Trying to use his weight to his advantage.

ooc: sorry for the delay I should be on time from now on.

1/4 for practice.
