
Helping Hand



9 Years
Dragon Mod
11-25-2016, 04:17 PM

"What do we do now?" Amber gaze found the fiery gaze of her companion, ears flicking as the pair wandered about the prairie. "Well, maybe we can go somewhere with better prey. I'm tired of rabbits!" The feline hissed, her tail lashing in irritation. Holly glanced at her, eyes rolling. "That's not exactly what I meant, but it doesn't sound like a bad idea." She huffed, paws carrying her aimlessly across the terrain. She hadn't seen any of her family for a long time. So long in fact, that she couldn't remember exactly when she had last seen any of them. Then she wondered if she even cared...they certainly didn't. As far as she was aware, her larger brother was busy with a pack trying to live up their mother's dream or whatever. She couldn't stand it, and she didn't get it. Why do something for someone who abandoned you and practically ruined your life? They didn't care. She was selfish, and so was dad and the rest of them.

As for her dad? She felt that he didn't deserve that title anymore. Not after doing what he did and then running away. Disappearing without a word. He might as well be dead least they can rot together. She stopped in her tracks, brows furrowing as the poisonous thoughts seemed to come at a constant stream sometimes. But did she care? She wasn't sure.

"We're not alone." Rhavaniel's low growl brought Holly to focus on the present, gaze finding a rogue male not too far from them. Had she been thinking so much that she wasn't paying attention like she should? She scowled at herself. She had to be more careful, especially since that run in with that one male that had nearly gotten her a few seasons ago when she had been in her first heat. She flicked her tail, wondering what she should do now.

"Too bad we almost made it."


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