
Helping Hand



9 Years
Dragon Mod
11-25-2016, 06:24 PM

An amused growl sounded within the feline's throat, tail flicking as she steadily eyed the male. "I would hope so, dog." She was never one for formalities nor niceties. She was a cat, she bowed to no creature! She was the one who ruled, just as all cats did of course. Though when she met Holly, she never really considered traveling around with a canine before. So her excuse when asked was often a beat around the bush kind of answer. Though truth be told, she was fond of the girl. Though she had a harsh way of showing it. This man though odd, was interesting to the the feline. Even though they usually avoided crossing the paths of others, she was more or less glad that they came across this oddity. She wondered what made him tick. Why he spoke the way he did, but she didn't really care to satiate her curiosity by poking and prodding at him for answers. So instead, she shrugged it off and went to groom her paws as the man then addressed Holly again.

Holly's ears perked at the mention of who his father was, but the name rang no bells for her. None of those names did. It made her wonder who she was related to besides maybe the one or two others her mother had mentioned, names she'd already forgotten. She remembered Avalon, but she wasn't related by blood. She was more or less their guardian, though she hadn't seen her in a long time either. She steadily watched Thanatos, glancing away slightly when he questioned her. "My mother was adopted into the Adravendi name like nearly every other Adravendi. I wasn't even sure if there were any pure bloods, but I guess your father was one?" She shrugged, gaze returning to him as she slowly sat down. "Sorry...I'm not too familiar with the family history."

"Too bad we almost made it."


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