
Helping Hand



9 Years
Dragon Mod
11-25-2016, 07:34 PM

She wasn't completely sure why, but she felt disappointed to some degree when he told her he didn't know about his father and his lineage. She had sort of hoped that she could get some information from him about some of the family, anything really, but that would not be happening today. She frowned, though at this point felt that maybe it was best that she didn't know who were the real ones and who were the fake ones. But for one reason or another, it bothered her. She hated not knowing things, and so far it seemed she was always kept in the dark by everyone and everything. Her own family included.

She raised her head to look at him the moment the male stated that he had a problem. Her head tilted slightly, wondering why he would suddenly choose to tell her--a stranger despite their shared surname--about whatever problem he had. Was he sick? If he was, then she had some herbal knowledge. Though not as much as she should have had since her mom decided to let her depression and insanity take over instead of teaching her and preparing her for the world.

To her surprise, it was about starting a family with another male! She was honestly quite surprised, she didn't know that wolves of the same gender started relationships like that! It was a strange concept for her to grasp since she had only been around her mother and father. And nobody explained to her that relationships or partnerships such as...mates didn't have to exclusively be between a male and a female. She almost missed his question about advice because she was so wrapped up in thinking about this difference. "Oh um...I'm not...sure. I've never heard of that kind of partnership before..." And she wasn't familiar with mating either. She'd never had that talk.

Amusing. It was all so amusing. She was content with watching and listening, but this was simply too good to pass up. "Holly, it's as common as the clouds in the sky y'know. You poor sheltered child." Rhavaniel purred, tail grazing Holly's leg as she stared at Thanatos with a thoughtful look. "Have the two of you considered seeking out a surrogate? I've heard of some creatures doing that when they are unable to conceive on their own."

"Too bad we almost made it."


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