



6 Years
Extra large

11-25-2016, 08:13 PM (This post was last modified: 11-25-2016, 08:27 PM by Elias.)

Truth be told, the brute was bored. Bored and lonely, and starting to go a tad crazy in the absence of his sister. It'd been entirely too long since he'd last seen her, not since their hunts and the move. He wasn't mad at her, but he was rather unwell from trying to cope. Of course, it really was his own fault for constantly being on the move. Wide jaws suddenly split into a gigantic yawn with his crown held back and his hackles suddenly prickling and then instantly smoothing out as he started to wake up. An adapted neutral expression relaxed on his face as his long limbs moved him across the lush lands of Auster. It was just entering summer here and the colossus' thin hide certainly appreciated the warmer whether, though it did not escape him that there was a new pack in the area.. along with several other travelers- only a few that he'd managed to meet so far.

Large toes were spread out across the smooth sand of the shoreline, creating a stable landing for every fluid step in his haunting run. His spine never seemed to change it's height as his body worked effortlessly together to move under the cool cloak of night. He was a beast with an impressive sinew beneath a light yet densely grown in hide of silver armor, though his armor was not without it's cracks. Aged scars made up giant vales along the titan's left breast and up across his pauldrons, and newer ones marred the serenity of his still features along his maw. Though, even his flaws came together with his weathered features and left a perfect portrayal of everything that he was: a survivor. An adaptive visitor of every land he came across and every situation he found himself in, though it seemed he had an involuntary penchant for situations that often became pushed to extremes and every encounter became a test of character.

In twilight on this evening, however, he would do everything in his strength to admire Auster for what it offered and free his mind. It felt to him that everything had been crumbling around him for as long as he could remember and he was scrambling to hold it all together and keep it from crashing down. When his crimson stare found itself staring at an illuminated, glowing sea dancing beneath the distortion of the ocean's waves.. all previous thoughts ceased and he simply ran with perfection in his sights. His heavy yet precisely driven paws would flirt with the receding waves when they'd sail out, and then he'd have to run again to avoid it's climb. It was a dance he was all too thrilled about having with the ocean at midnight in the company of only his own soul, but for now he was at peace and while energetic, not quite so.. disturbed.

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

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