
Helping Hand



9 Years
Dragon Mod
11-25-2016, 08:25 PM

She listened quietly to her companion's response and suggestion to the male, surprised about what Rhava knew concerning such matters. She supposed she would, her smaller friend was a year or so older then herself. She had to admit as well, that what Thanatos was trying to do was...sweet, in a way. Nobody should be denied a family when they loved each other, and it sounded like he really loved his mate enough to want a family with him. Unfortunately, she didn't know of anyone who might want to help. It wasn't the sort of everyday conversation she had with another, and even normal conversations were few and far in between for her. "I'm sorry, I don't think I know anyone..." She frowned. She was oblivious to the thought that she could be the one to help out...until...

"What about you, Holly?" Rhava looked up at the girl, a wickedly sly grin on her face. This was simply too good, and although she craved some bogus reaction (or overreaction) from her canine counterpart, she was completely serious. "What!? Me!?" Holly's jaw dropped in shock. Was she serious!? "Yes. You. Who else around here is named Holly?"

Standing, Rhava flicked her tail across Holly's nose as she waltzed over to Thanatos, inspecting him as she walked a full circle around him before coming to a stop and sitting a couple of feet in front of him, eyes on Holly. "He wants a family with his mate, and unfortunately male anatomy doesn't work together the way it would with a female. Help the poor guy out. What if his mate was dying?" She lifted a paw and began to groom her face, one eye watching Holly. "Wouldn't you want someone to help you if you were unable to do it yourself?" "Yeah but...I've never...done this before..." Damn her! Holly was irked with Rhava, because the damn cat knew how to talk and convince her to do things she hadn't thought of doing before. Looking to Thanatos, she seemed uncertain. What would she have to do? "Um...I...I guess I could try to help...but, I've never done this sort of thing before...what do you think?"

"Too bad we almost made it."


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