



6 Years
Extra large

11-25-2016, 08:53 PM (This post was last modified: 11-25-2016, 08:54 PM by Elias.)

With the salt of the ocean flooding his senses, it took some time for him to notice that he was no longer alone. As soon as her scent did break through the smell of the sea, the beast ceased his play with the waves and stopped in his tracks, unwavering even as the cold ocean waters rushed past his well-muscled limbs on their climb up shore. His ears fixated on every sound that might be caught over the roar of the waves while his rubies moved to survey her features. She didn't look threatening, and honestly nothing about the male's attitude made it seem like he had threatening intentions for her, either.

However, the more he watched her the more of her frightened behavior he recorded. Already, she was beckoning the devil out of him and he'd only just laid eyes on her. Willing himself to overcome the urge to prey upon her fear, he stood taller as he waltzed calmly down the beach to be in her company. He slowed as he came up on her and left a solid three feet between the two of them, providing she never ran away, as he inspected her closely and narrowed his intelligent, ruby stare. He was honestly clueless as to what he'd done to upset her but it was clear to him that he had, and suddenly he found the inward battle begin to start.

His lips seemed to tremble under the pressure of the mixed orders his brain was relaying to them, caught in between lashing out into a snarl and remaining stoic and unphased. His strength persevered for the moment as he stilled the muscles of his face and kept them smooth during his reply hissed through clenched teeth. "Why are you quivering... girl?"

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

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