
Helping Hand



9 Years
Dragon Mod
11-25-2016, 09:04 PM

Her heart hammered in her chest. She'd have to get pregnant!? If wolves could sweat, she was sure that she would be quite alot right now. But...she had more or less sort of offered...or rather, Rhavaniel had offered her to the male. She did feel bad that they couldn't have kids on their own, and Rhava did make sense. Males couldn't mate with one another, that was a given. Still, she was extremely nervous. She'd be pregnant...and the pups wouldn't be hers technically. Could she do that? She thought for a long moment if whether or not it would make her just like her mom. But in the end, she wasn't abandoning them. She was simply helping someone else start a family, and the pups would be loved and well cared for.

She had more or less decided she would be fine with that knowledge. She didn't want to have pups on her own, not as a loner anyway. And even if that were the case, she didn't feel ready to have a family of her own either. She glanced at Rhava who was now staring right at her, and she swore that the cat had some sort of crazy mind controlling abilities. Swallowing, she finally nodded. "Alright...I'm willing to help don't have to worry about sticking around though, Rhava and I are sure to manage until you're ready to take them."

Rhava was an excellent hunter, and no doubt she would help her when she was unable to hunt later on her own. Taking a deep breath, she glanced uncertainly at the two. What was she to do now? She didn't know how this kind of thing worked exactly...or at all, really. Amber gaze found Rhava's in a helpless, pleading manner.

"You poor thing. You're more sheltered than I thought." She nearly laughed, standing up and moving over to Holly. "I've got a lot of work to do with you." She growled as she guided Holly a bit closer to Thany. "Now, turn around and relax. I promise it'll be over before you know it, and it's not that bad, either." Holly would quietly obey, glancing back at Thanatos for a moment, her nervousness clear before her attention was drawn back to Rhava. "Relax. I'll be right here." She cast a stern look at Thany for a moment, "You better be gentle." She rumbled before turning around to sit a few feet away, back turned.

Soon enough, Holly would feel Thanatos against her. Her breath hitched, heart pounding against her chest. So...was this how she was made? She hoped this worked...

-fade to black-

"Too bad we almost made it."


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