
Helping Hand


11-25-2016, 09:33 PM

Thanatos watched her, feeling a little bit bad for Holly’s naivity. But at the same time he was excited… the thought of making a family with Shiki… that made him feel so very excited. He could feel his own heart pounding in his chest, his mind churning. Holly and Rhava seemed capable of taking care of the femme at least… and that meant he’d be able to keep the surprise from Shiki until it was time to meet their little ones. He gave Holly a reassuring nod, offering a small smile. He’d make sure that he was gentle with her, especially since she was doing him such a favor. Rhava was there too, luckily, to make sure things went smoothly between them.

“I will… be…” He promised, moving to stand behind Holly. He moved slowly even now, not wanting to startle her or anything. “Just… relax…” Thany whispered, moving to do what he needed to do. If all went according to plan, well, he and Shiki would be parents before the end of winter... or at least spring.


"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

Table by:: Chrono