
all i need is time



10 Years
11-25-2016, 10:57 PM
The stranger's sudden, slight hostility was not lost on her. Ara's own posture stiffened, though she didn't retract entirely. She was determined to help, even if the woman before he was reluctant in accepting it. At the very least, maybe she could offer some kind words of advice. She was wary as she watched Ricochet examine her - as though trying to see right through her. Surely she wondered if her intentions were as pure as they seemed. Her tail flicked behind her, a nervous habit as she dropped her gaze until the woman opposite her began speaking again.

Her voice seemed weaker now as she explained - a fact that didn't surprise Ara, given the fact that she was in pain. She briefly explained that she'd sprained her leg. She felt a bit of disappointment. Sprains and broken bones were not something she could patch right up, though she had no doubt she could help still. Something like an open wound was far easier to deal with.  "I see," she mumbled softly, as her gaze trailed over her limbs. Knowing what was wrong made it easier to spot which leg was lame.

Ara didn't notice much about whether the stranger seemed submissive or not. Her gaze zeroed in on the hurt limb as she gestured to it, taking a few small steps closer. Nothing was visible on the surface - maybe it seemed a bit inflamed and swollen, but it was really hard to tell. Ara's attention seemed to snap away from anything that might intimidate her or cause her to hesitate, now fully on the problem at hand. Her jaw unhinged slightly when she said she'd most likely broken it.  "You.. you swam here in this condition?" Her voice took on a sterner, more motherly edge, her soft voice laced with concern. Slowly she shook her head, though stopped when she realized Ricochet hadn't finished her sentence and seemed to be drifting off from the pain.

Stepping back, she tried to think. What could she do to help her? She needed rest, that was certain, and to get off the beach and somewhere more dry and sheltered to warm up. Ara couldn't help her much with that, though would gladly give her support as she moved.. if she was able to carry herself there. A frown touched her lips, mind reeling as she swung her head to the side. Leaving her here seemed unwise, but she wanted to find something to help her.  That might not be easy, since she had no ideas what sort of plants grew here.

"Miss?" Ara would ask, gently leaning to press her nose to the woman's left side, as far from her injured limb as possible.  "Let's get you off the beach. Even if you just drag yourself there. You.. you can lean on me if that helps." She was considerably larger than herself, but if it helped, it'd be worth it. Ara moved to stand at Ricochet's good side, pressing her shoulder lightly to the younger woman's, hoping with a bit more nudging she might come back to her senses. Just enough to get her somewhere dry, she thought hopefully.