
Evil Beauty


06-21-2013, 11:34 AM

Ghost arose from her den, slipping from its mouth for the last time. Segar was gone, vanished, he had abandoned her and their pups without care or remorse, without a word of goodbye or an inkling of where he had vanished off too. Seracia was not a home for the ivory fae, it never had been, it never would be. She didn't belong here, it was Segar that had been a bonding tie, it was Segar that was now gone.

She yearned for her pups to come with her, to make this journey, this switch with her, they would be embraced, welcomed within Amenti's grasp. newt would help them all achieve whatever they wished to become. She knew that too be true, but she was no dictator, her pups knew of her love, they knew of her adoration. She loved them enough to let them stay if they so choose, no matter how greatly that might kill her. She wanted them with her always, but they were just over six months, if they wished to stay, she would not force change upon them. Everyone had a choice.

The ivory goddess would slide to a halt, misted grey orbs rising to the heavens, a cry for her three pups bellowing from her larynx as she reclined to her haunches and waited their arrival. No one else was permitted here, her pups and her pups alone, this was a family affair.
