
Polaris Plots


11-26-2016, 06:39 AM

I'm new to the site and I wanted to make a plotter for Polaris to let you guys know what I have in mind for her! She is intended to be pretty independent. Her personality is complicated; she has a natural dislike for others but at the same time she seeks their approval. She is almost two so she has basically moved past the white-lies and stories of her childhood that she used to tell. She may be hard to get along with at first or easy, depending on how she is approached. I'm not 100% sure how she interacts with others yet as this is my first time really writing her (I made her for another site but it was taken down).

Friends I can see her having 1-2 "real" friends and then some she likes less but maybe placates sort of thing, like "Fine I'll be nice to you so you'll leave me alone." But to her true friends I see her being pretty loyal to. Males/females equally welcome
Enemies I can see her having 1-2 enemies, but the biggest enemy is herself (dun dun dun)
Lovers: I have on her profile that she is gay. Polaris was intended to be my first gay char. Her breeding season is coming up, Spring, but she's no where near ready. xP But I am willing to do a plot where she has a female lover and breeds with a male for off-spring. Also, there /is/ a possibility that she will fall for a guy. For the most part I am going to try to stick with her being gay, so if you have any female chars you want to throw at her, go ahead! As for how she acts with them I envision her being extremely protective and maybe a /little/ suffocating, but maybe not.