
Crush me

Rivaxorus II


5 Years
Extra large

11-26-2016, 07:59 AM

Ooc: if you have trouble feel free to pm me ^^ Sorry that I made the last post confusing.

Rivaxorus was starting to fall into place of things now. His scruff rolled forward and hackles raised. The male kept his ears pinned to the back of his head, tail leveling with his spine for balance. As his toes spread into the terrain he narrowed his eyes and the skin around his eyes bunched for protection as well as making his teeth primed and ready. His limbs bent at the knee ready to spring into action. She was a fast one that was for sure, but he was still going to try and use his weight to his advantage. His bite may not have hit where he wanted it, that was when he tried to pull back instantly after trying to tuck in his head closer to his chest. Taking his right limbs he attempted to scoot himself to his right a few inches scooting his left leg back again as she had moved too far away for his shove to work. Riv attempted to place them at an almost right angle where her teeth bit into the flesh of his chest. Only leaving a moderate bruise her headbutt would hit air as she continued placing them in a T shape with her left side facing him.

Opening his jaws the male tilted his head to the right, attempting a bite for the area just behind the scruff for a hold. He kept his limbs equally distributed his aim to try and push her to the ground as he attempted to push his weight onto her within the bite with force. His right forelimb would raise and aim to smash down onto her back left paw. To cause discomfort and to attempt to topple her over.

2/4 for practice.
