
where the wind takes you



2 Years
11-26-2016, 01:47 PM
Zuri Brass

Her journey south had been a long one; the unknown that laid before her called with an enchanting hum. So her tawny paws moved across the connecting land mass in a few days time, the female becoming all too aware that the earth around was turning from the chilling winter to a heated summer. The air swirled about, wrapping Zuri in a blanket of sunshine and warmth. She knew she was heading south by this change, and was hopeful that more abundance of herbs would be offered in these strange new lands.

Since meeting the few wolves she did in the north, graced with their friendships and blessed with their knowledge of the plants that grew about them, she had become more skilled in the art of healing. Though with every new place she ventured to, the more she had to learn. Every place holds it's unique wonders after all. But the unknown never turned Zuri away, she was excited to learn about all corners of the world.

Soon, a as a strange structure came within her sight, a scent followed the currents of the wind to her nostrils. She had never been a part of a pack before, but she knew that this new scent was a warning. The lands before her were claimed, crossing them could mean potential harm. Her chocolate ears flattened against her skull, as she slowly backed away a few yards. After she was sure she had not been seen, she turned to leave, but a thought crossed her mind. Why should she leave? From what she could gather, packs offered structure, security, and a chance to learn about a lot of things, not just healing.

Zuri turn to face the tall towering structure in the distance once more. The idea of joining a pack, filling her thoughts. Perhaps she should? She was no skilled hunter and she refused to fight. Having others who could do these things would benefit her greatly, and she was sure there was some good she could do in return. With no second thought, the cinnamon female felt a rumble in her throat as she tilted her snout to the sky, allowing a lone, echoing howl to roll across the lands. She would not be so bold as to enter unannounced.

Now all she had to do was wait. She let her bum sink to the ground as she sat to do just that.

We must take adventures,

In order to know where we truly belong.