
Planting Roots



7 Years
Extra large
11-26-2016, 09:27 PM (This post was last modified: 11-26-2016, 09:27 PM by Diarmuid.)

Finding Domari again had given some sense of purpose. It was nice to not feel so hopeless, so.. without a goal. Now, at least, he could stay close to the young Xanilov and seek out the rest of his family. He moved along his current route, not far from where he'd been sleeping the night before, with a face that spoke of his determination. His eyes set ahead, searching for anything of interest, when he found the Orchard in the distance.

He wasn't sure why he felt drawn to this place. Perhaps because he was tired of such dreary places, though the swamp was where he'd found Domari. His paws carried him toward the clearing, slowly but surely, where the trees grew in straight lines. Despite this place being full of wildlife - the air carried the stench of rotten sweet fruit - it seemed oddly unnatural, at the same time. Trees didn't grow in such straight patterns. Diarmuid's nose twitched as he tasted the scents that a light breeze brought to him.

It was a bit odd, such a sweet scent mixed with the smell of decay, but it wasn't abhorrent enough to keep him away. Who knew what he could find here? Cautiously he moved, though his posture showed nothing but collected confidence. Only when the scent of a strangler reached him, mingled among that of rotting fruit, did he grow more wary. He'd redirect himself, aiming to head towards them - and failing to see the male lying among the vegetation.

"Talk" "You" Think
Name is pronounced deer-mid