
You Only Zing Once


11-26-2016, 10:04 PM

How long had it been? Was it their second birthday? She had a hard time reminiscing from her childhood, and even seeing the haze of the day her brother hadn't joined her. But she couldn't forget the pain she felt after realizing that he was never coming. But what pained her more is what could have happened to him. Did Lel keep him as a captive? Did he kill him? And what was sad about the girl, was that her worst fear in the world was that he never wanted to leave with her. It was all some sick kind of twisted game he put on all their life. Did Lian ever love me?

Tonight the wind bristled at her pelt, in which she took hiding into the foundation of the once standing building. She hugged the wall, this way the wind would tunnel over top of her mostly. Dirt had compounded itself over the years and she had to hunch over to barely fit behind this wall.

Was it her home? No. Nowhere was. She had just found this island surrounded by the rivers slightly comforting away from her far away home in the northern lands. Where ever her paws landed that night was home, and she had grown used to the fact. Learning to live on her own was one of her hardest achievements.

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