
keep up and reach out



10 Years
Extra large
11-27-2016, 09:32 AM
He couldn't help but wonder, just briefly, if this meal would be worthwhile or not. He'd never disliked the taste of boar but he couldn't be sure these tasted anything like boar. Though they resembled them vaguely, they were quite different too. Either way, they were too committed to back out now.

The mother tapir broke off from her young, a panicked decision, as Aki charged her. He snapped periodically at her flanks as she ran, as Elias rounded her and closed in on her efforts to flee. The moment of confusion was enough for him to grab hold of the beast by it's hindquarters. Her hide proved surprisingly thick, and though she yelped out in pain he relinquished his hold on her momentarily. His pace hardly slowed as he, instead, reached to grab hold of one of her back legs. He composure was all but shattered as his firm grip sent her toppling over. Taking advantage of her compromised position, he closed his jaws in around her throat in a quick movement, as she flailed and tried to escape.

Blood filled his mouth quickly as he held her there, a welcome taste indeed. Only briefly did he search for Elias nearby, noting he seemed successful too. Aki held the beast down as it struggled, shaking his head vigorously as the life drained from it and as their hunt concluded, as profitable as he had hoped.

table by argent/neffs