
Safe Return



8 Years

11-27-2016, 11:47 AM

It was tense while they waited for someone to appear. Despite the cool confidence, the patience, and the 'this-is-fine' attitude, she was actually a nervous wreck. She was afraid of BBass rejecting them away from Abaven. She hated that she wasn't able to get word out; hated that he likely thought they abandoned him. She would like to believe that he trusted them enough - at least her - to know that she would never abandon Abaven willingly, but she still feared.

So caught up in the thoughts, Lillianna was the one who clued her in on another's approach. She saw the girl tense up immediately, and Váli turned her head to peer at the figure. Dark in color and tall, it was immediately noticeable that this was not Bass. Váli's gaze switched back to Lillianna, and understanding flashed through her eyes as she glanced once more at the figure that had paused a considerable distance away. This was Lark, one of Bass' older sons and definitely his tallest son. This was the one that Lillie was fond of and cared for. Váli smiled sadly, sympathy in her eyes as she regarded the two of them. She knew what was happening here, or so she thought.

Her gaze drifted away back to the deeper pack lands. Where was Bass? Her chest tightened as she sough out that all-too-familiar white form, and with a start, she spotted it. Now it was her turn to step forward, though she did so eagerly and with her tail wagging. Váli was grinning, too, as she caught herself doing something so childish. She had no regrets, however.

When Bass practically barreled straight into her, she leaned into him with her muzzle shoved into the fur on his chest, even as he snaked his head around her neck. She took comfort in the touch; oh, how she had missed this. How she had missed him and Abaven and... everyone. "I've missed you," she breathed, relishing in the moment. She truly, truly did. She missed the Bass that was happy and carefree, the one who would joke and laugh. Hopefully, even with her disappearance, and who knows what he thought.... well, hopefully he had found that happy side after what happened with Wren, his former mate. She knew that before she left, he was in a bad spot.

The serenity of the moment didn't last long, and she sighed softly as Bass pulled back, anger finally sparking in his eyes. It was then that the moment turned from reunion. Váli popened her mouth to explain, but Lillie beat her to it. She listened quietly to the young woman even as she spoke, telling her side of the story of what happened. When the girl paused, Váli gave her an affirming nod, then launched into her part, her gaze never straying from Bass.

"It was bad," she began, pain flashing in her eyes at the memory. She'd never seen such a bloody mess on a wolf before; it truly was a miracle Lillianna survived. "When I arrived, the mother and the child were far gone, thankfully. Lillianna had been crumpled against a tree, her leg twisted all wrong under her. Blood covered her chest; she looked dead." And truly, Váli had feared that had been the case. "She was still breathing. The moose tore open her flank and broke several ribs, and it was only sheer luck that prevented them from piercing her lungs. Her leg was also broken, from landing on it wrong. It broke somewhat clean, which is good because that was the only way I was able to get it to heal properly. We were in the Southern Continent, as well - no way to send contact." She looked away briefly, before resuming speaking. When she did, her tone was much quieter, though there was no hiding her next words. "I didn't think she would survive. She was never lucid the first two weeks; she barely woke up. If she didn't die of the wounds, I was afraid she'd die of starvation or of dehydration." Lillie didn't know just how close to death she got, and Váli didn't exactly want to tell her - but she needed to tell Bass, and Lillianna was just too close not to hear her words. The sharp intake of breath from the red woman indicated that yes, she did hear, and Váli winced slightly. "We needed to wait for her to heal, and with the length of the trip back, I didn't dare leave her on her own before then. I would still have her there, but I wanted to get back to the pack before winter. We both did." She glanced at Lillianna again, and then back at Bass, waiting for the verdict that had to be reached.
