



6 Years
Extra large

11-27-2016, 02:09 PM

An interesting part of what Elias was was that he was never any one thing. He was never angry wholly, never happy wholly, but rather a constant brew of emotions that struggled and fought each other to take control of the body they drove. As he looked down to Safir he noticed that she had attempted to bring her composure back and he seemed to relax the muscles of his shoulders slightly as he watched. Her words should not have come as a surprise to him, though he couldn't help but look momentarily bewildered. His family had a great supply of tall wolves, his father even having been taller than himself. It was interesting to think that so many in these lands had so little experience with them.

He suddenly felt a sense of pride from the fear he was bringing out of her, knowing it was related to his height only made him stand a little taller as a charming smile crept up his lips, complete with blood-stained and yellowed teeth beneath his wide and seemingly always in a craze red eyes. He could feel another wave lap at his toes, though they were far enough up the shore now that only the waves that reached out the strongest managed to touch them. Still, the cold touch of the waters hit him like a spark of electricity and sent a cool shiver running down his spine. He looked again at this scared girl and saw her in a new light.. a better light. A more fun light.

But no, she was.. so innocent. He didn't know her and she was already so scared.. how could he even think-- he turned his head away from her suddenly as he tried to keep control of himself. His smile disappeared as his facial muscles smoothed out, relaxing his expression into one of near embarrassment. He took a step back from her as he looked out over the waves and thought carefully. M-maybe he could befriend her? At least try, before the other took over. "There's no need to be afraid," he whispered on a low and rumbling growl, a gentle growl like one a father might provide to his frightened children. "I'm.. I'm not going to hurt you, I'm just tall. My name is Elias, what is yours?"

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

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