
Most wonderful time of the year



9 Years
11-27-2016, 05:48 PM

She soon got up from her spot and began to move forward again wondering if she could find something to occupy herself for a bit. With Jack away she had no one to talk to, which didn't bother her to much, but she didn't want to grow bored. She decided that maybe a trip to the herb den to check on the drying herbs would be a good idea. She wasn't aware that she was being fallowed until he caught up to her and she could hear the heavy paws in the snow. Her ears pricked as she felt the heat of another close to her side and she lifted her head and moved her ears to listen. Tail began to wag and a smile formed as the familiar voice and scent hit her all at once. Happy that he joined her on this early morning. She figured he must be up to start his daily duties when he came across her trail of prints.

"Good Morning Bass, yes getting an early start to my day. You as well I suppose?," she replied.

It was nice to have some company and a break from the morning silence. It seemed most of the creatures were a little lazy this morning, that or they were too comfortable to leave their beds. He spoke again wondering how the plants were fairing in this kind of weather.

"I'm surprised but it actually has been. Pickings have actually been decent with these late rains giving me a good run at making sure I'm stocked to get us through the winter," she said with another smile. "Have the borders been quiet for your patrols?"

"Talk" "You" Think
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Storm is completely blind
Storm's Companion Eli (Wolverine) is assumed to be with her at all times