
The Elias Pup-horde



6 Years
11-27-2016, 05:54 PM (This post was last modified: 11-28-2016, 05:04 PM by Poser.)
Putting this up so I can edit it on mobile as I go <3  

Name: Jake
Other characters: Lux, Selene, Fortune, Poser. Torin Adravendi-Valentine will be born this season.  
Pup Name: Derecho  -- all of my characters have wound up with titles of sorts when I post them (Selene is the starlit, Fortune is the brave, Poser is the shadow, and Lux is the final spark), thusly Derecho will be the rolling thunder.
Litter: Wreckage
Design: #1
Back up plan: ----
Gender: female
Alignment: chaotic neutral
Whatever doesn't kill me had better start running.
Derecho Wreckage isn't a complicated girl on the surface.  Why have someone else do it when you're competent and capable of handling it yourself?  Never afraid of getting down and dirty, she'll work in earnest for what she wants or what she needs.  Tapping into her needs or wants gets hard sometimes, but the rolling thunder gets by just fine.  Some may say she's flying by the seat of her pants.  Some would be right. Harder, better, faster, stronger.  That's all Derecho ever wants to be.  

I hustle like a man because I was taught to never depend on one.
There's a lot of fight in Derecho's heart.  She doesn't know where it comes from, only that she thrives on it.  A lot of push or pull, a cosmic energy that wants to break down boundaries-- social, societal, political, it doesn't matter.  Every part of this girl longs to find a difference to make and make it happen.  Maybe it's selfish, or maybe it's fierce independence that drives her.  It's paved the way and it's paved it with force.  The rolling thunder thrives on the shock and awe factor she can bring in that respect.  Sure.  She can be loud, she can be rude, but she always pushes for more.  And if you're wondering, no.  Derecho doesn't trust men.  Not at first, at least.  It takes them a bit longer to get through her tough exterior.  

Heroes get remembered, bad bitches never die.
Brash and immensely lively, there's not a doubt in Derecho's mind that everyone should know her name.  Speak it softly or shout it from the rooftops, either way.  This girl will leave a mark, and in time she hopes the word woman will fade from it entirely.  She will not be the greatest woman that's taken hold of  life.  She is the storm itself, and she will devour life as such.  Storms have no gender, no creed, no family bindings.  It's not that she forsakes the Wreckage name.  No.  Derecho will be so much more than that.  She's sure of it.

If we die, we die. But first, we'll live.
Sometimes she is high.  Two hours of sleep leaves her feeling refreshed and alive, a full night of rest means the rolling thunder can roll for days.  More extroverted, more charismatic than usual leaves the girl in love with life and herself.  The girl finds herself longing for these periods of mania, the moods they bring on leave her untouchably radiant.  In honesty, Derecho wouldn't give those periods of time up for anything.  Enough charisma to muster an army, to command a battle, to lead a war.  It alters her decision making.  It changes the way she lives her life.  It's not all sunshine and rainbows.

Rise again harder and stronger.
For every ounce of mania, Derecho pays the price in depression.  It is deep and it is dark, a hole through which she sinks and continues to fall down.  There is no bottom.  Too much sleep is not enough, there is no feeling.  There's a vast numbness.  Every toll she pays is with blood or sweat or tears.  A raw nerve, a hair trigger.  She will get sick, she will hurt, she will long for pain.  Each is different but the bottom line is the same.  Derecho pays the price for her intense joy with immense sadness. Such is the wheel of life in her light.

Once you've accepted your flaws no one can use them against you.
Something is a bit... wrong.  Inside Derecho, something has been broken. It's a misstep in the wiring of an otherwise normal brain.  Bipolar disorder.  The misfiring of neurons that leaves her in these sort of strange fits.  She never knows when they are coming or going, or what the extent will be.  It's tiring for her, possibly even more tiring for those around her.  The rolling thunder doesn't speak of it, and perhaps that's the poorest coping mechanism of them all.

Availability: literally most of the time.  My activity is obnoxious.  
Appearance: Derecho's build is a strange mix between her mother's and her father's.  If there's nothing to scale her against, the rolling thunder appears taller than she actually is-- long in the legs, tall, lean.  If her father is an adonis, she's certainly received his muscle tone.  Stacked, but refined.  Though this girl is only medium in bone she is strong.  So immensely, intensely strong. 32" at the shoulder, weighing in at 120 pounds.  From her mother, she's gotten the graceful step.  It's a raw, powerful grace, but still grace.  Her silky coat (design above) is fantastic, silky, smooth.  Soft to touch, absolutely gorgeous.  
Sample Post:
Derecho leaves the den at first light, knowing full well where she's going. There is a hunger in her belly, something that burns... warm. She would eat and she would do it her damn self. The rolling thunder is in one of her moods again. Those moods. They come and go, they are hard to put a name to. She would handle herself. Today, she would handle things all on her own. No one could stop her, right? Well. Okay. Mom could stop her, but not for long.

She cuts through the dusk fog with her raw step. It's easy when you're built the way she is. Derecho moves with a certain saunter, equal parts brilliance and shadow. She moves within the land, searching for something. For breakfast. Rolling like thunder through tall grass and over roots and stumps. All is well, and all will continue to be well. Derecho is strong, unpracticed, and ready to come into her own as a fighter, ready to keep herself alive thusly. Well, that and she'll still need her mother. Maybe the rolling thunder will always need her mother. That's important.

With a striking sort of gaze, she sights a rabbit. It is fat, slow, and juicy-- the product of spring. She's beautiful, tracking the thing down with shining eyes. The takeoff on Derecho's end is easy. To action the girl springs, head low, moving at a breakneck pace. She is fast, but in the muscular manner. Everything is fast when it's driven by the finely tuned machine that is her system. The end of hunger was near, the hare fat and ripe for the picking.


heroes get remembered
bad bitches never die

[Image: VVdK7m3.png]