
On my mind


11-27-2016, 06:11 PM

Zola never felt full. Or... Accomplished? She felt like her current life was useless, but she believed that one day she could rise to greatness. First, the act. Her "poor, helpless soul" would win her many things. Food, warmth. But she would be the only one to truly know that her soul would never be fulfilled. Lian was gone, and no one could ever replace him.

The girl had purposefully built her body just to look slightly malnourished in hopes that others would believe her sob stories and give in to her needs of whatever. And most the time it worked. But the character she led on was not who she truly was. She was selfish, evil, or at least the most honest wolves would see her for her real identity.

Ivory paws skipped gracefully across the medium sized rocks that were big enough for her to balance on. And just  as her eyes removed their focus at her feet after some time, she would lay eyes on a figure placed upon one of the larger boulders. She would stop in her tracks and wait a minute with a sly grin before stepping onto the grasses and making her way to this large piece of stone. "Greetings stranger." Her voice let out quiet and elegantly. Her front legs walked their way up the stone as her hind legs stayed on the grass bottom. This wolf seemed slightly familiar but she wasn't one to remember faces or names for that matter. She wasn't here to make friends.

Walk "Talk" Think