
fire in his eyes



6 Years
Extra large

11-27-2016, 06:39 PM (This post was last modified: 11-27-2016, 06:40 PM by Elias.)

He had been playing like a pup, just as he did in his youth in Ruina's volcanic kingdom, with the hot air even if he had known the dangers. He was in a sane set of mind right now, though his fragile psyche could never exactly be described as 'stable'- he was a close as he'd ever get. The golden fur that framed her face and chest was what caught his attention first, forcing him to take a step back from the spitting cracks in the earth as steam rolled through them. He watched her as she approached him, his eyes narrowing with interest as he inspected her and made note of every movement. They way she held herself, the muscle tone beneath her pelt, these were all ingrained into his brain as important and notable features to memorize in his company.

Her thick set of armor appealed to him, and her tall and strong build that almost reminded him of his sister.. just.. fluffier. Her markings were what caught his attention and made his gaze hesitate on their flutter up and down her form, pausing on her maw and cheeks as he admired the brightness of her gold. When he realized he had been staring, he shook his head and lifted his ears to point in their usual, impish way. Inky lips peeled back from the thick of his teeth as he hissed out an answer, "A group of wolves... here?" His ruby gaze left her, searching the plateau around them as he thought, "Why would anyone ever come.. here? I have not seen them, and I am surprised to see you. Who are you?" His voice was low and rumbling, quieter with his last question though the way he stretched his neck out and would attempt to sniff the air around her brought that low key sound much closer to her ears, no matter how quiet.

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

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