
life is simple; just add water



2 Years
11-27-2016, 07:40 PM (This post was last modified: 11-27-2016, 07:42 PM by Zuri.)
Zuri Brass

The lake provide a quiet place for the earthy female to think. The low lull of the water lapping against the waters edge acted as a calming background noise that brought Zuri deep into her own thoughts. She remembered exploring a place like this one when she was young, going herb collecting with her mother. There was a beautiful lake and the sun was bright overhead as they went to hunt down herbs. If her memories were correct, they gathered Horsetail, though they were after Ginseng Root. Mother wasn't completely disappointed, Horsetail would later on help her brother Nixon when he cut himself. 

The sound of someone breaking through the tree line down the shoreline from her broke the trance. Zuri snapped her head in the female's direction, watching as the silver frame emerged from the vegetation. At first, she thought she should hide, meeting new people could be a dangerous thing. But there was something in the way she moved, letting her nose guide her, searching for something. The cinnamon female tilted her head to the side, watching her for a moment. Once it was clear she was no immediate threat, Zuri raised to her paws and began to slowly stalk towards the stranger.

Once she got close enough, she whipped up a kind smile as she approached. "Hello there, I'm sorry to bother you, are you looking for something?" Her sapphire eyes scanned over the stranger, for any cuts or scrapes, a habit she had picked up from healing. But her gaze suddenly froze when she met the female's eyes. She was blind?

We must take adventures,

In order to know where we truly belong.