
life is simple; just add water



2 Years
11-27-2016, 09:41 PM
Zuri Brass

Once she had gotten close enough to the female, Zuri noticed the carefully plucked Ginseng root laying beside her. Never before had she heard of a blind healer, but then again, healing didn't necessarily demand eyesight. It required an ability to identify herbs and remember how to apply them to a situation. It require a calm mind and a devotion to making the world a better place. None of that required the ability to see. In fact, the idea of being able to find Ginseng root without sight opened the fawn woman's mind to just how skilled this healer had to be.

She took in the fact that she startled the blind lady, and immediately felt guilty. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you." Fear was a dreadful thing, something that didn't settle well with Zuri at all. But the reassurance from the female's smile cheered her up a bit. "You must be a fellow healer then. My name is Zuri Brass, it's an absolute pleasure to meet you miss." She didn't bother trying to hide her excitement, she hadn't met another healer before, well beside her mother.

It became clear to her that the blind female was more than able to find the herbs on her own, and although she had no use for the plants herself, she felt the need to help out. Her eyes quickly scanned across the terrain to find the Horsetail she so desired. A bundle of it sat close to the water's edge not too far from them. She turned back to the silver lady, "you're obviously more than capable of doing this yourself, but would you allow me to help? I see some Horsetail not too far away." She didn't want to come off assuming a blind healer couldn't gather her own herbs, so left the choice up to her. Though, Zuri did hope she could learn more about this gifted female.

We must take adventures,

In order to know where we truly belong.