
I feel it coming



9 Years
Athena I
11-27-2016, 11:37 PM (This post was last modified: 11-27-2016, 11:38 PM by Leo.)

He sat at the top of the falls, looking out over the water that was cascading down over the many tiers of rocks. He had just finished his afternoon patrol and as he settled on his haunches he noticed the slight ache in his joints. He knew the cold of winter was just aggravating things, but it was just a haunting reminder that time was rolling on. He wasn't even that old yet, but it was hard to remember that sometimes. Running the pack on his own for this long was really beginning to wear on him. Every once in awhile he noticed an ache in his shoulders and neck- right around where the majority of the damage from his challenge with Bacchus had been done. He wondered sometimes how deep that damage had gone. He had thought that it was just skin level, but perhaps not.

He sighed as he looked out over his pack lands. His children would be two years old this spring. Just a few short months from now. How did time pass so quickly? He wondered if his mother had felt this way or if she still did. He knew he was going to have to choose an heir at some point... but he just didn't know if he was ready to do it. Did he have really have a choice? He didn't want to wait so long to pick an heir that he wouldn't be able to properly train them for the job. He didn't want them to all scatter before he had a chance to choose an heir either... He frowned a bit and hummed thoughtfully. After a long while he finally lifted his muzzle toward the sky and called for Heather. It was easier than going searching for her anyway.

"Talk" "You" Think