


07-02-2013, 02:15 PM
OOC Name: Dragon
How did you get here?: other wolves plus me love Lu <3
Age: 20

Character's Name: Pacifica (Pas)
Age: 2
Season of birth: Spring
Size: Medium
Appearance description:Pacifica is a medium sized she-wolf standing at about 33" tall. She has a beautiful silvery grey coat that shows her graceful form. She is the epitome of grace and beauty, most who see her can't help but to admire the way she holds herself. Underneath the grace and beauty, however, she hides a mass of rippling muscles. Causing her opponents some sever surprise when they find out how much power is hidden beneath her beautiful fur. She has long lithe legs that are covered in a light silvery sheen from her paws to the middle of her forelegs and hind legs, as well as her belly.

Pacifica's eyes are an unusual deep blue, when one looks into them it's as if they are lost in the depths of the sea. Giving her a very calming and wise looking appearance. The bottom half of her face is the same ghostly silver sheen as her legs, giving her a truly beautiful divine look. The fur that rings her neck and chest, as well as on her tail is thicker then the rest of her body. She also has an intricate white mask design on her face, surrounding her eyes with markings in the middle as well. making her seem like a majestic creature of legends.

Duty: Advisor