



6 Years

11-28-2016, 04:06 PM (This post was last modified: 11-28-2016, 04:40 PM by Evelyn.)

It was too hard for her to stay on one place for too long, even though the storms were getting worse she needed to get out. Not wishing to go too far, the patchy woman decided to go ans explore the mountain. It had been filling up steadily with snow, and she eyed the swollen hills with careful eyes. She had left in the early morning, just before the steady fall of snow started to cover her back. Shuddering at the chill, she pushed onward. She had heard that there was only one way through the mountain, a narrow passage that could only fit a few wolves wide. With that in mind she picked her way delicately across the growing snow banks, the edges of her scarf coated in the white flakes. Her bells made muffled sounds, clogged nearly to the brim. The metal froze painfully against her skin, making her regret her decisions.

Before too long she saw the passage through the col, but just then the storm picked up. Lowering herself, she dove for the slice through the rock to shield herself. However, the sound of shifting snow entered her ears and she looked up with a panicked look. Oh crap... she knew what was happening. Rising up she fought against the wind, running in the opposite direction of Dreamer's Col. It was hard with the gusts pushing on either side of her. Snow clung to her gray fur, weighing her down. The first bang of the snowfall sounded, echoing in her ears and making her yelp. Racing against the avalanche, Jaelle prayed to all the gods that her clumsy manners would be held at bay.

The rush of something cold on her heels let her know that it was nearly on her. Her heart hammered in her chest, fear pulsing through her. She knew she needed shelter, something. Seeing a rock to her left she dove behind it, snow pouring on every side of her. Pushing herself flush against the rock, she held her breath as the snow covered her completely.

The rumbling over head stopped, and she slowly opened her eyes. The rock had made enough of a bubble that she was able to breathe. A chill sank deeper within her as panic made her freeze. She was trapped, covered in the snow. She was too afraid to try to dig herself out, not wanting to collapse more on top of her. Was she... was she going to die? No! She needed help. Closing her eyes, Jaelle began to bark. She knew that it would be muffled, but she had to try. "Help!" she screamed, desperation in her vocals.


Unless otherwise stated, Giet (Goat the stoat) is always with Jaelle. He is grumpy and mean, and may not always say nice things.