
Cause we're worth it


11-28-2016, 06:35 PM

What are you waiting for? You never seem to make it through the door.

She was the most insatiable woman he had ever come across. Even though she could barely stand and she was clearly sore and beaten, she still reached over to pull him closer and shot him suggestive looks. Her tail flicked against his legs and he just sighed and chuckled as his head shook gently. "Ridiculous woman," he mumbled as he went over to lay next to her, her side pressing into his own as she kicked out her legs and got comfortable. He licked the backs of her ears and nuzzled into her scruff with a soft sigh. "Go to sleep, Mercy. We'll have more fun later if you want." There would be plenty of time to do her later. She was yawning her head off as it was. He wasn't about to fuck her into an early grave. Perhaps that was a bit dramatic, but she needed rest. His tail curved around her haunches as he settled around her and got comfortable so that he could keep watch.

He let his ruby gaze drift across the trees around them for a while, just letting his mind go blank for the time being. He tried not to think about the feeling of her warm frame against him and the sound of her steady breathing. He glanced down at her after a while, his gaze tracing every feature on her face, over her ears, and down her neck. "I love you, you ridiculous woman," he thought to himself silently, sighing before letting his head settle down on his own paws to get a little rest.

Who are you hiding from? It ain't no life to live like you're on the run.