
On the Warpath (Bear Hunt)


06-24-2013, 08:28 PM (This post was last modified: 06-24-2013, 08:29 PM by Awaken.)

Awaken gave a loud growl, his low voice making his growl even more intimidating as the beast stood. It was huge and loomed over him like a tower. He jumped to the side when the beast slammed down to dodge an incoming paw. ?He glanced around, keeping his ears pinned as he and the bear were locked in a stand off.?

?He noticed a blind eye, witch meant his depth perseption was most likeley impaired. He traced a line from his current position and notice the walls were slightly curved. Too. Perfect. He tranced a plan of attack to leap off the wall and attack from the side.?

?The bear rushed him. Awaken quickly moved to the side, leaping. His front paws hit the hard stone wall, followed by his hind legs as they planted firmly. He pushed against the wall and propelled himself away, twisting his head around and his spine followed as he attacked the side of the bear. Landing a hit to the side of it's neck, holding untill the others could get in.?

He fought hard to keep his hold on the ground. The bear was biger and stronger than he was and could have easily pulled away, had he not had his cannines locked over the nape of his neck. Pulling away would create a bigger problem for the beast. The bear seemed to get fed up and stood, sending Awaken flying tward the mouth of the cave. Awaken managed to pull a chunk of flesh from the ferocious beast's neck when he was thrown.

?Awaken hit the ground painfully, he could have swore he felt ribs crack and give beneth him, but he needed to keep fighting. He worked his way back up. Rage and savagry finding its way into his eyes as he waited on the bear to rush him again. He planned to do the same to the other side of hid neck.