
But I Promised You That I Will See You Again...



11 Years
11-30-2016, 01:12 AM (This post was last modified: 11-30-2016, 01:14 AM by Hansel.)

His body shivered from the cold, chest heaving with the effort and pain of breathing. His teeth continued to grit as he fought against the pain. He was plagued now, with every type of pain there was. Or at least, he felt like it. Not only was he already pained with the weight of his past, but also the weight of everything and everyone he had lost. He didn't want to lose anymore, and for years he fought to keep from losing himself. He wasn't sure how anyone had been able to deal with his attitude, but the few who had, had also come to know a side of him that rarely showed itself. Gretel...Taurig...Bass...Alice and her small pack. There was nothing he would change when it came to meeting those he had let into his little bubble. The sound of the water just beyond his reach did little to comfort him, but was there anything that could?

Yes. Of course there was.

Ears flicked when he heard the approach of another, blue eyes resting on the male; his closest friend. He knew Bass was upset. Angry with him even. But what could he do? His time had come. " know...if I had a choice in the matter...I'd choose a better day." He smirked a bit, trying to lighten the mood a little. His attempted grin was quickly lost when he winced from another round of pain in his chest. His eyes closing for a moment as he tried to steady himself.

When Bass howled his call for help, Hansel knew it would be of no use. Opening his eyes again, he raised his head as much as he could, shifting himself a bit to get a better look of his friends features. " It's no use...We both knew this day was coming, Bass. I've been feeling it for a while..." Sighing, he lowered his head back to rest on the ground again. Again, he would swallow back the emotions that threatened to choke him. He wished he had done more here...done more for Bass. Would he die with regret? Probably. "I'm sorry..." He felt he needed to say that. To let Bass know that he was truly sorry. He felt like he had disappointed him in so many ways. Would he ever be forgiven? He had done so much wrong in his past. But had also done what could to make up for it. He regretted not coming back to Abaven sooner. But at least, he could die here. It was his home, after all.
