
But I Promised You That I Will See You Again...



7 Years

11-30-2016, 02:23 AM

He ground his teeth together as he tore his eyes away from the gray man, too afraid to see him struggle. Instead he glared at the flowing river, so close to where he had lost Chrono as well. He was always here feeling like he couldn't do anything, like he failed them in his inability to change fate. The sound of gritting teeth sounded in his ears, drowning out nearly everything around him. It killed him to hear the wheezing sound of his breath, the pain of death slowly sinking its claws into him. His jaw worked as he tried so hard to stay mad, afraid of what would come if he let the red hot emotion die out. Bass needed to fuel the fire, but it was hard when Hansel spoke. He could hear the strain in his voice, but the corners of his lips did twitch slightly. Nothing else became of it, a snort rattling out of his nose. "Idiot," he muttered, his shoulders growing stiff as the blanket of snow started to gather on his already white coat. "That means I'm getting old too," Was that part of the reason why he was so scared? Hansel wasn't that much older than him, only a pawful of years seperating the two. If everyone he knew was starting to die... He swallowed the lump in his throat, finally turning his brown marked face to the dying man. It made him flinch, seeing him in pain, and for just a moment he wished that he knew something about herbs to put him at ease.

Bass' ears pinned when Hansel mentioned that they knew this was coming; time wasn't something either of them could run away from. A long sigh left his maw, as he finally relaxed and let go of his anger. He was fine until the older man apologized, a broken cry following the words. "Don't," he choked, but it was far too late. The floodgates had been opened and he couldn't retain the broken sob that tore through his entire body. He couldn't be dying, he wasn't allowed to die on him. Who else would be a grumpy asshole here? Him? He nearly gagged at the thought. "C-can I do... anything?" he asked, looking down at the gray wolf with tears flowing down his face. He didn't know what else to say. Suddenly a sick, gut wrenching feeling gripped at his belly, his jaws parting as his stomach heaved. It was a dry gag, but everything wanted to flow out of him. The thought of being here without Hansel made him feel ill, and it wasn't something he wanted. Digging his face into the man's belly, he openly wept for his dying friend. "Y-you b-bastard, you're n-n-not supposed to d-d-die on me," he said, muffled into the fur of his friend. He wouldn't accept it, he couldn't. This wasn't happening.

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