



8 Years

Treat 2019
11-30-2016, 07:10 AM (This post was last modified: 12-20-2016, 10:18 AM by Tealah.)
You asked for it, so here it is: the outline for Enrico's pack. I've kept it pretty succinct here for ease, though I have in depth descriptions written and ready elsewhere. If you're interested in knowing more about a specific rank or something, feel free to ask me and I can explain it, though most of them seem pretty self-explanatory maybe. I have a lot of time and posting before I can start this pack so go ahead and throw your characters at him for threads if you want to see how they might get along or if you just want threads! He needs a looot of posts. Also, Enrico will be going by the name "Mask" from now on to attempt to hide his identity.


"The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb.

We are Niente. Led by an outlaw, we are ourselves outlaws. We are spies, thieves, saboteurs and assassins… but we are also traders, craftsmen, trackers and healers. To survive, we sell our skills to those who rejected us. We do not see things simply as good and evil. Our world is not black and white; it is a thousand different shades of gray. We are stained darker by the deeds we do, yet still we have honor. All that we do, we do for the good of the whole pack rather than ourselves. We know that we can trust our pack-brothers and pack-sisters. We must know that, and so wolves of a truly evil persuasion, those to whom trust and loyalty mean nothing, will not find themselves welcomed within our ranks. We are silent, we are watchful, and above all else we are as one."

Tier 1
Tiercel - Enrico, the primary alpha. His is the final say in all pack matters.
Sarcel - Enrico’s second in command. As this rank represents a close bond and immense trust and Enrico does not easily trust anyone, it is unlikely to ever be filled, but if it is the Sarcel will hold nearly all the same power as the Tiercel.
Passager - the heir to the pack.. This will be reserved for a trusted young wolf, either a pup or yearling, who will be groomed to leadership - not necessarily leadership of Niente either, as they are encouraged to go out into the world and begin their own pack when they come of age, rather than stagnate and waste the skills they’ve learned. As they learn and grow older they will slowly earn privileges and responsibilities and will eventually be nearly equal to the Sarcel, though they may not promote anyone past Tier 3, nor may they punish a pack member in a permanent manner (major maims or removal from the pack) without consulting the Tiercel.

Tier 2
Alula - You could call these three wolves betas, though in actuality they are somewhat closer to what might be ambassadors. They are experienced and wise wolves who act as counselors to the members of the pack in an advisory capacity, as teachers, and can be trusted to represent Niente to the rest of the world. Their judgement has been deemed sound, and so they are trusted to know when it is safe to open their borders to new members, what information is safe to share with outsiders, and to carry sensitive messages from the Tiercel. Not necessarily the best in their field of study, they must instead have proven to be among the most cunning, trustworthy, and loyal of the pack.

Tier 3
Malar - These wolves have proven themselves experts in healing. Although proficient in all forms of healing, many masters prefer to hone their expertise in one or two specialties. In addition to mentoring apprentices, specialists may chose to bring up a journeyman who has an interest in their field. The Malar with the most experience and leadership ability is chosen as the senior Malar and is expected to be the liaison between the Tiercel and all the healers. They will also be expected to make certain that all healers keep up on their responsibilities, and might find themselves called upon to advise the Tiercel on which healers might be suitable for advancement in rank.
Yarak - These woodswise wolves have proven themselves experts in hunting and tracking. Although expertly knowledgeable in most forms of prey or tracking techniques, many masters prefer to hone their expertise in one or two specialties, such as plains hunting, or tracking other wolves. In addition to mentoring apprentices, specialists may chose to bring up a journeyman who has an interest in their field. The Yarak with the most experience and leadership ability is chosen as the senior Yarak and is expected to be the liaison between the Tiercel and all the hunters. They will also be expected to make certain that all hunters keep up on their responsibilities, and might find themselves called upon to advise the Tiercel on which hunters might be suitable for advancement in rank.
Mantle - These wolves are the most elite among the fighters. They have proven themselves in battle countless times and hold the wisdom and cunning of experienced warriors. These are the wolves who will be chosen for the most important of tasks - as guards for precious lives or cargo, or as assassins. Although all are expert fighters, some may choose to specialize, whether as bodyguard or assassin, and in addition to mentoring apprentices some specialists may choose to bring up a journeyman who has an interest in their field. The Mantle with the most experience and leadership ability is chosen as the senior Mantle and is expected to be the liaison between the Tiercel and all the warriors. They will also be expected to make certain that all warriors keep up on their responsibilities, and might find themselves called upon to advise the Tiercel on which warriors might be suitable for advancement in rank.
Hallux - spymaster, master thief, master saboteur
Rufter - trademaster, master crafter

Tier 4
Accipiter - These wolves are warriors, proven in battle to show competence in their field. They have shown themselves capable of choosing their own path in training without the supervision of a mentor. Some may wish to train in a more specialized path and seek out the guidance of a master in the field, but journeyman are considered full warriors. Accipiters are expected to continue to train their skills by attending regular spar sessions among the pack as well as journeying to the battlefield to test themselves against strangers. They are also expected to assist buteos at need.
Buteo - These wolves are hunters and trackers, proven in the field to show competence. They have shown themselves capable of hunting or tracking on their own without the supervision of a mentor. Some may wish to train in a more specialized path and seek out the guidance of a master in the field, but journeyman are considered to be fully capable hunters on their own merits. When tracking wolves or other dangerous predators, buteos are expected to work together with at least one accipiter or mantle for protection. They are expected to participate in group hunts regularly to supply the pack with large game, but are also to hunt smaller game on their own to provide for those who cannot hunt for themselves.
Kestrel - journeyman healers
Broadwing - journeyman traders and crafters
Hobby - journeyman spies and thieves, saboteurs

Tier 5
Haggard - unranked adult
Creance - apprentices

Tier 6
Eyas - unapprenticed pup (under 1 year)
Quarry - indentured servant, held until debt is paid

Tier 7
Mute - punished
Bechin - prisoner held for blackmail or ransom


    Loyalty to the pack over all else
    Respect for your brothers and sisters among the pack
    Caution when dealing with outsiders
    Silence and secrecy
    Honor, if a somewhat gray sort
    Obedience to the Tiercel and his commanders
    Ferocity in defense of pack and allies
    Ruthlessness towards enemies
    Self improvement and learning
  • Unnecessarily evil behavior that puts Niente at risk for retaliation - such as rape, and unauthorized killing (except in self defense) or torture, will not be tolerated and will be repaid in a manner relative to the crime
  • Wolves showing up on the borders uninvited, for any reason, will be treated with suspicion unless vouched for by a pack member. Active recruitment of trustworthy individuals will be the preferred method of bringing new blood into the pack.