
I'm a Survivor {AW}



2 Years
11-30-2016, 01:21 PM

For looking the same age as her, the yearling spoke with a fancy undertone, her words prim and proper. Ashe's ears tipped back slightly, her mannerisms in the common tongue here were lacking and weak. It made her feel shameful, that this girl near her age was already so much further ahead than her. But she swallowed passed the lump in her throat, simply dipping her head in reply to her apology. Ashelynn was just in an off mood as was, feeling weak and needing to find food and shelter. It was embarrassing to ask for assistance from someone who was her age though, but she wasn't a fool. She would die out here if she didn't find something fast. The girl spoke again, her words sounding so odd and foreign to her ears. She offered to help search, causing the fire legged girl to shake her head. "No, food is most important. I struggle hunting, I very weak," she admitted, her choppy words making her flinch. There was such a stark contrast in their tones, but she tried not to think too much on it.

Shuffling on her paws, she looked at the stranger with her dull, nearly lifeless silver eyes. She used to be so spunky and full of life, but it was all stripped away from her. She blamed her brother, a flash of resentment making her fur stand on end. It was his fault for leaving her, and she bet that he didn't even care. Her inky lips twitched, but she didn't bare her teeth. Letting out a puff of air, Ashe shivered slightly and allowed her gaze to roam around them. She didn't even know what they could hunt, the only thing she had seen around were rabbits, and they were far too fast for her to catch in her current state. She had been surviving off of nearly picked clean carcasses, or animals who had succumbed to the cold. It had kept her alive thus far, but she no longer wanted to be in the north. "Warmer lands, do you know? Where are?" The cold was only going to get worse the further they sank into winter, and she wasn't dead set on joining a pack. It could help her, but she hadn't given up on finding Pheonix yet. And when she did, she was going to beat the crap out of him.